Bio-based Industries Consortium: Open innovation competition 2023 – launch of the first two challenges

Bio-based Industries Consortium: Open innovation competition 2023 – launch of the first two challenges

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ZAČETEK: 20. 10. 2023 10:00
ZAKLJUČEK: 20. 10. 2023 11:00

Earlier this year BIC launched its first Open Innovation Competition as a means of stimulating cooperation among its members. Now it’s time to unveil the first two challenges submitted by our Industry Members Procter&Gamble and AB Inbev.

Webinar will take place on Friday, October 20th, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

All BIC member SMEs, startups, universities and research centres are eligible to enter and develop a proof-of-concept solution.

Join the webinar to find out more.

Registration at online application form


10:00: Welcome, IOC rules and practicalities – Samuele Ambrosetti, BIC

10:10: P&G challenge “Barrier development for fibre-based liquid detergent packages” – Stuart Askew, P&G

10:30: AB Inbev challenge “Biotech solutions for process/product optimisation” – Yulia Bashirova, Ab Inbev

10:50: Q&A

11:00: End