Circular Europe Days 17.1.2022 – 18.1.2022

Circular Europe Days 17.1.2022 – 18.1.2022

Ta dogodek je že potekel.
ZAČETEK: 17. 01. 2022 10:00
ZAKLJUČEK: 18. 01. 2022 16:30



ECESP goes global! Showcasing Europe’s excellence in the circular economy

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform’s Coordination Group members will showcase the work done by their Leadership Groups on 17 and 18 January 2022 during the Circular Europe Days in Dubai. The events will take place during the Dubai Expo Global Goals Week, which coincides with the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week.
The Dubai Expo Global Goals Week aims to unite businesses worldwide and urge further action towards a sustainable and inclusive future. The event is an opportunity to showcase what Europe has to offer in the field of the circular economy and create an international space for front-running EU circular entrepreneurs. An onsite and online matchmaking platform, provided by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), will be available to facilitate collaboration and networking opportunities for European entrepreneurs.

Leaders of the ECESP Coordination Group will organise eight hybrid events hosted by five national pavilions. For two days, members of the Coordination Group will present to an international audience the work done by their Leadership Group on different topics, from buildings and infrastructure to circular procurement to economic incentives to food waste and more.

We invite you to join the event ONSITE or ONLINE. Please make sure to register HERE.

Please find below the draft program for the two-day event:


10:00 – 11:30 (Dubai time, CET +3) OPENING SESSION (THE NETHERLANDS PAVILION). The power of EU circular networks.

Slavnostna otvoritev in predstavitev evropske delegacije ECESP v okviru DUBAI EXPO – fokus na krožnem gospodarstvu, zelenem okrevanju in inovativnih rešitvah, ki jih prinašajo predstavnice EU – Slovenija, Nizozemska, Poljska, Finska, Irska kot države v fokusu dvodnevnega dogodka. Predstavitev vloge »network governance«, povezovanja in sodelovanja za uspešen krožni prehod. Nagovor visoki političnih predstavnikov EU in posameznih držav.

The health crisis of COVID19 has demonstrated how interconnected we all are. As is the case for the climate crisis. Collaboration is therefore vital for the circular transformation. Systems thinking and co-creation are key concepts the EU is committed to. Co-chairs Circular Change and Holland Circular Hotspot will guide participants through the role of network governance and circular hubs in the EU’s circular transition. Panellists will explore the impact of these hubs on the ground, presenting cases and sharing experiences.

  • Ladeja Godina Košir, Circular Change
  • Freek Van Eijk, Holland Circular Hotspot

Keynote speech – the EU and the circular economy Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President, European Commission (video message)

States representatives – message

Circular Gap Report 2022 Martijn Lopez Cardozo

Keynote – The circular economy Network Governance Prof. Jacqueline Cramer

Circular Europe Days – sneak preview (Freek Van Eik, Holland Circular Hotspot, Ladeja Godina Košir, Circular Change, Françoise Bonnet, ACR+, Michael Kuhndt, Executive Director, CSCP, Melody Van den Acker, Circular Flanders, Hubert Bukowski, Innowo)

11:30 – 13:00 (Dubai time, CET +3) (THE NETHERLANDS PAVILION) Buildings and infrastructure: an essential market sector in the transition to a circular economy.

Nizozemska predstavi sektorja gradnje in infrastrukture kot ključna za zagotavljanje kakovostnega življenja. Konkretne krožne prakse vključene v panelno razpravo in mreženje.

Buildings and infrastructure play an undeniably crucial role in our wellbeing, health and safety. They provide us with the basic structures we depend on to enjoy our lives, through the homes we live in, the offices we work at, and the roads and railways we travel by. However, the sector accounts for 50% of extracted resources and 40% of carbon emissions. The good news is: circular European solutions exist across the entire value chain and they can significantly contribute to a climate-neutral future. These solutions can inspire the world and create opportunities for EU frontrunners. This session will bring together experts from various organizations to discuss topics like the undervalued importance of infrastructure in tackling climate change, discuss the markets for secondary resources, the relevance of deconstruction design to enable the renovation wave, and stress value chains collaboration.

Introduction Minister for the Environment, The Netherlands, European Commission

Infrastructure RWS 

Deconstruction Christine Lemaitre, DGNB

Market Secondary Resources Laura Cutaia, ENEA

Panel discussion with leading EU representatives and industry (European Commission, Anna Cavazzini, Member of the European Parliament, Ingrid Thijssen, President of VNO-NCW, Industry and Employers)


 14:00 – 17:30 (Dubai time, CET +3)  (THE SLOVENIAN PAVILION) Sustainable living and Wood – Fit for 55

14:00 – 14:30 LUNCH

14:30 – 16:00 Business forum

Predstavitev programa Fit for 55 v kontekstu gozdnih sistemov in lesne industrije. »Network governance« kot pristop za uspešno realizacijo projektov krožnega gospodarstva in fokus na priložnostih, ki jih ima Slovenija in Evropa na področju lesa. Predstavitev izbranih podjetij in mreženje.

The EU “Fit for 55” package demonstrates the EU’s continued commitment to sustainable biomass with an increase of the renewable energy targets, climate neutrality for land use, forestry and the agriculture sector and creation of a nature-positive economy that protects and restores degraded ecosystems. Unlocking the full potential of sustainable biomass, forestry, and wood industry for 2030 and beyond is dependent on decisions made today.
The events in the Slovenian pavilion focus on the crucial role of the wood sector, green technologies, design, construction in sustainable development and circular economy.
The participants will have the opportunity to network and discuss wood as the sustainable material of the future. The EEN matchmaking platform will support the networking part of the event.

Welcome & Introduction Ladeja Godina Košir, Circular Change (ECESP co-chair), Matic Volk, Commissioner General of the Republic of Slovenia for EXPO 2020 Dubai, Simona Kustec, Ph.D., Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia

Key note speeches:

Wood – fit for 55 Kestutis Sadauskas, Director DG ENV, European Commission (video message)

Circular Economy – Practices, future trends and perspectives in the wood industry Prof. Dr. Miha Humar, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

Panel discussion (Franc Bogovič, Member of the European Parliament (videomessage), Andrej Čuš, State Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, Prof. Jacqueline Cramer, Freek van Eijk, Holland Circular Hotspot, Jure Kotnik architect, Barbara Šubic M Sora,

Brief introduction of business representatives (Wood industry cluster Slovenia) by the moderator

16:00 – 17:30 (Dubai time, CET +3) Moderated international matchmaking supported by EEN

Vodeno mreženje – slovenska in mednarodna podjetja imajo priložnost za povezovanje pod okriljem mednarodne organizacije EEN. Prostor za fizična in online srečanja in povezovanja.


10:00 – 11:30 (Dubai time, CET +3) (FINNISH PAVILION) Cities & Regions – Making circularity work for people, cities & regions

Predstavitev iniciativ in projektov na področju krožnega gospodarstva, ki so povezana z mesti in regijami. Delovanje na terenu, od spodaj navzgor – kako različne države vključujejo deležnike v krožni prehod, kako se razvijajo mesta in regije v smeri zelenega, krožnega.

Welcome by the Government representative of Finland

Introduction Françoise Bonnet, ACR+, TBD Member of the European Parliament

Making circularity work for regions and cities

  • Circular cities and regions initiative, state of art and perspectives EC DG R&I
  • Supporting the circular transition with awareness building, advisory and financing EIB Advisory Hub

Panel: Pathways to a circular economy in cities and regions (Circular Flanders – Hub of the Flemish Circular Economy, OVAM, Western Macedonia – Greece – CLUBe, City/regional case from Nordic Circular Hotspot, Environmental Transition Strategy – Green Navarra AIN)

Valuing water into the circular economy Eureau

Energy dimension of the circular economy Energy Cities

11:30 – 13:00 (Dubai time, CET +3) (THE FINNISH PAVILION) Enabling Circular Electronics: Skills for cities, businesses and consumers

Vpogled v dogajanje na področju elektronike na ravni EU – katere spremembe prinaša zakonodaja, kaj to pomeni za proizvajalce, za potrošnike. Prakse na ravni mest, aktualni projekti in iniciative, vključevanje različnih deležnikov za doseganje ciljev in obvez na nacionalni in EU ravni.

Digitalization surrounds us everywhere. This is accompanied by an immense increase in reliance on devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Not only in Europe, but also in other World regions, electrical devices are gaining more and more importance. The event aims at finding answers to the question is: “Who can enable circular electronics and how can the re-skilling and upskilling work for different stakeholder groups?” from different stakeholder perspectives. The event is also an opportunity to have insights from EU experts about current activities at the European level. Representatives of businesses, cities, and consumers will identify further challenges and discuss possible solutions that can also be transferred to other regions of the world.

Setting the scene Michael Kuhndt, Executive Director, CSCP

Insight from the European Commission about EU circular electronics initiatives in the CEAP Martin Bailey, Head of Unit DG CONNECT, European Commission

Impulses from different stakeholder perspectives Markus Paulsson & Mikael Rönnmar, City of Lund, Sweden (tbc), Ana Maria Jaime Salcedo, Head Sustainability, MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group (TBC), Rosa Strube, Head of Sustainable Lifestyles, CSCP

Panel discussion (Mark Hidson, ICLEI (TBC), Susanne Kadner, Circular Economy Initiative Germany, Michal Len, Director, RREUSE (tbc))

Conclusion and outlook from a European perspective Delera Burkhardt, Member of the European Parliament (TBC)

Closing remarks

13:00 – 14:30 (Dubai time, CET +3) (POLISH PAVILION) Future of Bioeconomy in circular economy transition

Prepletenost krožnega gospodarstva in bio-ekonomije – različni pristopi na področju znanosti, izobraževanja, gospodarstva, zakonodaje. Krožne iniciative in projekti, fokus na hrani – preprečevanje in zmanjševanje količin odpadne hrane. Možnosti za krožno pridelavo, predelavo, zapiranje snovnih krogov.

The area of food waste, food systems and bioeconomy is crucial for a successful circular transition. The need for the EU to shift from a linear approach in bioeconomy towards circularity and sustainability is clear. However, the question remains: How do we achieve circularity in this sector? The event aims to highlight the importance and complexity of the bioeconomy as a driver for the transition towards a circular economy in Europe and advance potential solutions. Speakers will present successful projects that tackle the food waste problem. During the multistakeholder panel discussion, experts representing NGOs, businesses and administration will discuss the future of bioeconomy in a circular transformation context.

Introductory presentation: Bioeconomy as a systemic approach for circular transformation Johannes Kisser Alchemia- Nova

Food waste and resource efficiancy CSCP

Circular and bioeconomy development in Polish regions – policy, projects, case studies Professor Joanna Kulczycka, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute

Urban food systems transformation Andrea Magarini, Milan Food Policy coordinator- Mayor’s Office, Chair of the Eurocities Working Group Food

The role of education on Food Circularity Paola De Bernardi, Professor of Circular Economy Management

Panel discussion: Future of Bioeconomy in circular economy transition (Philippe Shouler –Too Good To Go, Martin Bowman – Feedback, Tanja Dräger de Teran – WWF Germany or Stephanie WunderEcologic Institute Germany, Generation Climate Europe, Emma Chow – Lead of Food Initiative, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Business representatives as Danone, Unilever)



15:00 – 16:30 (Dubai time, CET +3) (POLISH PAVILION) Green taxation and circular procurement as instruments to drive the circular economy transition in Europe

Zeleno obdavčevanje in krožno (javno) naročanje – predstavitev instrumentov in pristopov k doseganju krožnosti na različnih ravneh. Konkretne prakse in izkušnje iz različnih držav.

During this session the work of the ECESP leadership groups on economic incentives and circular procurement along with the potential of these instruments in the transition towards a circular Europe will be showcased. We will address the importance of a level playing field for circular business models, products and services and how to achieve it. Though both instruments are essential in this aspect, their use is still inadequate to influence circular transition. Why is it so? What can we do support these instruments’ usage? What types of taxation and procurement system would be in line with the circular model? These are the issues we will try to tackle. A spotlight will be put on these instruments’ practical implementation in Europe. Finally, an interactive debate will close off the session.

Introduction Melody Van den Acker, Circular Flanders

Importance of a level playing field for circular business models MEP Anna Cavazinni (TBC)

Taxation as an instrument for the transition to a circular economy MEP Paul Tang (TBC) and Hubert Bukowski, Innowo

Showcasing European projects and circular suppliers Video testimonies

Circular procurement as an instrument for the transition to a circular economy William Neale, Adviser DG ENV, European Commission (TBC)

Q&A or Panel debate panel of speakers, moderated by Melody Van den Acker, Circular Flanders

Closing remarks



Krožno gospodarstvo v praksi – inovativni pristopi in vključevanje deležnikov. Uveljavljene prakse na področju popravil, predelave, obnove, kreativnih pristopov k podaljševanju življenjske dobe izdelkov in nadomeščanju produktov s storitvami. Priložnosti za nova delovna mesta, krepitev vloge lokalnih skupnosti za krožni prehod.

Slavnostni zaključek EU krožnih dni DUBAI EXPO in podpis zaveze za krožno sodelovanje. Nadaljevanje v sproščenem vzdušju ob irski glasbi.

15:00 – 17:00 International match making opportunity – supported by EEN

17:00 – 19:00 Program

Ireland’s evolving circular economy policy landscape Video message government of Ireland (TBC)

Ireland’s societal transition: Building circular economy communities Dr Sarah Miller, CEO, The Rediscovery Centre

Scaling up circularity: Closing circular knowledge, capacity building & implementing gaps Dr Geraldine Brennan, Head of circular economy, IMR & CIRCULEIRE – The national platform for the circular manufacturing

Q&A with Sarah Miller and Geraldine Brennan

Closing remarks from the ECESP Coordination Group Co-Chairs  Ladeja Godina Košir, Circular Change, Freek Van Eijk, Holland Circular Hotspot

Closing message Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commission

Closing reception with Irish folk music concert